Solar Evaporator - HASHINI AGRO TECH


  • 1. The Efficient treated water (ETP) is evaporated with the help of solar evaporator
  • 2. In this mechanism per day 500L – 1000L waste, unused chemical water will be evaporated. By this, we could save groundwater from pollution.
  • 3. Evaporation is done in closed chamber , so the environment is not polluted
  • 4. Ground water is safe
  • 5. Salt Recovery
  • 6. User Friendly
  • 7. Carbon is not discharged
  • 8. The Solar evaporator is less expensive than mechanical evaporator.
  • 9. Chemical water can be evaporated in faster manner.
  • 10. The Electrical backup systems is also used to increase the evaporate capacity
Evaporators are made to be Anti-Corrosive (Free from corrosion). Hence long life is ensured. It’s easy to collect solid waste separately by this process. The closed chamber protects the evaporation process from rain and other natural causes. Effluent is evaporated in the closed chamber, Bad odder spreading in the air is restricted, hence the air is free from pollution and the environment is protected.